Monday, April 16, 2007

March Running

1. 30min gym
3. 7k incl 4x3.15min uphill
4. 5k (hilly)
5. 5k (hilly)
7. 11k, incl 6x1000, frame 7min, av. 3.51 (cold, windy)
8. 6k
9. 6k
10. 12k incl 10x400@86.312. 5k
14. 11k incl mile@5.53, 5x800@av.2.52
15. 5k, 30min gym
16. 60xpush-up, 40xsit-up
17. 11k incl 6x800@av.2.52
19. 13k incl 5x750up, 2.58.6, 60xpush-up, 40xsit-up
20. 13k incl 6x760@av.2.37
21. 70xpush-up, 50xsit-up, back, stretch
22. 13k incl 3x2000@7:49.7
23. 70xpush-up, 50xsit-up, back, stretch
24. 6k
25. 7k incl 3000@11:25, 30min gym
26. 22k@5:15
27. 70xpush-up, 50xsit-up, back, stretch
28. 9k incl 5000@18:49
29. 5k, 30min gym

Ikegami Honmonji 10k

Small group - Big success!

Just four Namban took part in the annual Ikegami Honmonji 10k. But we managed to take 1st (Gerard Robb/35:30) and 4th (Stephen Baumgartner/36:10) in the 30-year age-group. Yours truly was happy, but out of the money in the 40's, running 39:11, and Guillaume Bouvet finshed his second 10k race in 42:04. Very good performances on a hilly course!

Monday, April 02, 2007

February Running 2007

1. 30min gym
3. 7k incl 4x3.15min uphill
4. 5k (hilly)
5. 5k (hilly)
7. 11k, incl 6x1000, frame 7min, av. 3.51 (cold, windy)
8. 6k
9. 6k
10. 12k incl 10x400@86.312. 5k
14. 11k incl mile@5.53, 5x800@av.2.52
15. 5k, 30min gym
16. 60xpush-up, 40xsit-up
17. 11k incl 6x800@av.2.52
19. 13k incl 5x750up, 2.58.6, 60xpush-up, 40xsit-up
20. 13k incl 6x760@av.2.37
21. 70xpush-up, 50xsit-up, back, stretch
22. 13k incl 3x2000@7:49.7
23. 70xpush-up, 50xsit-up, back, stretch
24. 6k
25. 7k incl 3000@11:25, 30min gym
26. 22k@5:15
27. 70xpush-up, 50xsit-up, back, stretch
28. 9k incl 5000@18:49
29. 5k, 30min gym
30. 12k incl 5x750m uphill@ 2:53.4, last 2:45

More from Korea

Here are a few more pictures from Korea, all taken around the faculty of engineering at Seoul National University. Gwanak mountain is right behind our building, and often hikers pass in front of my lab! Even a little river flows below, just a few meters from our entrance. A great environment to study, and to run!