29日:6k 韓国のマラソン大会の初参加 ・ First Race in Korea!
ソウルの米軍の基地で、当日申し込みの出来ろ5k(本とは4.7)に参加しました!参加費はただでした。年齢別二位で10$の商品券をもらちゃった!SEOUL SYNERGYのJAE KIM(一番左)さんに次の大会の参加費としてあげました。JAEさんは私の韓国でのランニングに欠かせない存在でした!すべての手続きをやってくれました、本とに有難う!タイムは17:42でした。40歳代で優勝したDavid Deubelbeiss (Canada・一番右))と友達になりました。DDは安部トモエの100kの世界記録の途中まで一生走ったトップランナーです。
My first race in Korea was on an American Army Base. You could apply on the day, no fee was charged. I came in 2nd. in age-group, and got a 10US$ coupon which I gave to Seoul Synergy manager Jae Kim (left) to pay for the next race's entry fee. Without Jae and his group, running in Korea wouldn't have been half as much fun, and I would have had big problems applying for races without his help! Thank you very much! My time was 17:42. I made friends with David Deubelbeiss (right), a Canadian, the winner in the 40's, he's a former top-runner who actually ran part of the way with Tomoe Abe when she ran her 100k world-record!
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