Thursday, October 04, 2007

Tea in Insa-Dong

Insa-Dong is a famous street in Seoul, the five-tastes tea is very delicious!

New Pictures from Korea

Just a few more impressions from Seoul National University, really beautiful there, great place to work!

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Shibuya Track&Field

         第45回 渋谷区民陸上競技大会     共 催 渋谷区教育委員会         
主 管 渋谷区陸上競技協会
後 援 (社)東京陸上競技協会
1.日時 平成19年10月6日(土)(雨天決行)  競技開始 9時30分
2.会場 駒沢オリンピック公園陸上競技場
① 一般男子の部(一般・大学生・高校生)
② 一般女子の部(一般・大学生・高校生)
③ 中学男子の部
④ 中学女子の部
⑤ 小学男子の部(4~6年生)
⑥ 小学女子の部(4~6年生)
⑦ 壮年男子の部(40歳以上)
⑧ 壮年男子の部B(60歳以上)
※ 今年度は、当日、芝養生のため、やり投げは実施いたしません。

① 渋谷区在住・在勤・在学・在クラブの個人もしくは団体
※ 以下の要件を1つでも満たしているクラブ・学校・団体を在クラブととらえ、参加を認めています。
・ 所在地が渋谷区内にある。
・ 連絡責任者の住所が渋谷区内にある。
・ 渋谷区内の施設(織田フィールド、代々木公園、東京体育館、渋谷区スポーツセンター等)で練習または活動を行っている。
② 一般男子の部、一般女子の部については平成19年度日本陸上競技連盟登記登録者
5.参加料  1種目につき、小学生300円、中学生500円、一般及び壮年1,000円、
リレー1チーム 小学生及び中学生1,000円、一般1,500円

6.申込 申込一覧表、個人申込票、リレー申込票に必要事項を明記し、下記宛に申し込んでください。
     ※ 申込一覧表は男女別に、個人申込票は種目ごとに記入してください。

      〒150-0013 渋谷区恵比寿3-29-16
        野末 雅文 宛
     みずほ銀行 渋谷支店 普通預金 口座番号 1176218
◎ 払い込まれた参加料は返金いたしません。


8.表 彰  各種目の1~3位にはメダル及び賞状を授与します。

9.その他  ①タイムテーブルの必要な方は、送信方法について電子メール、FAX、郵送のいずれかを選択して下さい。但し、電子メールの場合、携帯電話用メールアドレスは不可です。また郵送の場合には、申込の際に返信用封筒(住所・氏名を記入し80円切手を貼付したもの)を同封もしくは持参して下さい。

10.問い合わせ先  渋谷区体育協会(渋谷区西原1-40-18 渋谷区スポーツセンター内)
           ℡ 03-3468-8721(平日10:00~16:00) 和田、佐藤
           渋谷区陸上競技協会 野末 雅文
           ℡&FAX 03-3441-9636  携帯電話 090-7212-3152

some upcoming races

開催地:東京都(板橋区) Itabashi-ku/Takashimadaira
事務局締め切り日:2007年09月18日(火) Deadline
参加料: 3500円
Distance: 10/20k

開催地:神奈川県(小田原市) Odawara, Kanagawa
事務局締め切り日:2007年09月28日(金) Deadline
参加料: 1200円
Distance: 10k


開催地:東京都(大田区) Ota-ku
事務局締め切り日:2007年11月09日(金) Deadline
参加料 2500円
Distance: 10/10mile

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Germany and Korea

Me and a friend from Germany, wearing Namban Rengo and ASC Marathon Friedberg shirts!

On July 20., I went for an easy run in the hills of Seoul with David Deubelbeiss, the world-record holder for 24h ona treadmill. Well, again I saw that, the faster people are, the easier they train(


On July 29. I ran a 10k in the forests near my hometown, placed 2nd over-all and first in age-group (!!) in 39:38, respectable on the course, and faster than last year, but slower than what I did in the more distant past.

On Aug. 11. I ran a 5k road-race in 18:42, probably slightly (150m) long, placed 5th over-all and first in the senior category. Two friends from Tokyo ran the 15k, and we supported each other, it was a lot of fun, also the party after the race. The 5k was actually meant as a warm-up for the 10k just 15hours later, in the morning of Aug. 12.. I was satisfied improving by 20 sec. on last years result, finishing in 39:18, also slower than my course record, but still, I hope to get close to my best over-40 times this winter.

Now it was almost time to leave Germany, but I still had hardly run with my German friends, especially one group which is very strong and has recently taken the German Marathon championship in 2:20:18 (Philip - formerly known as - Buettner - now married, but I don't know his new name) and sent one runner to Osaka on the 200m (Till Helmke/20:39). So on Tuesday night, I went to my hometown's track and put on my running-gear, when I realized I had no running-shoes. I tried to run in my street-shoes, but they were to heavy, well, Philip suggested I should try barefoot, and I actually managed to run a full set of repeats. Even five days later, the blood-blisters still hurt, but it was an interesting experience! I hope Philip will never forget his shoes when he has to run in a championship-race...haha. And my new nick-name over there is "Emil-Abebe", for the heavy boots on the first lap, and the bare feet later on...

Saturday, July 07, 2007

June Running
4.8k, incl 5x800@84.6
6.13k incl 6x1000@3:25.8 frame: 6:30
7. 60min gym
8. 5k
11. 5k
12. 10k
13. 11k, incl 5x800 / 3:12/2:46/2:41/2:40/2:40
14. 10min weights
15. 8k incl 5x400@83.4 frame: 2min
16. 5k
17. 14k, gasubashi 8k, 32:07 (hot)
18. 10k
19. 1h gym
20. 13k incl 800:2.56 1200:3.56 1000:3.18 800:2.38 600:1.55 400:73 200:34
22. 10k incl 10x400@83.4, frame: 2min
23. 8k + 10min weights
24. 11k incl 5x800@2.49.4, frame 4min
25. 20k takao
27. 13k incl 5k@18:57
28. 10min weights
29. 10k incl 10x400@83.8, frame: 2min

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

May running

1. 30min gym
2. 14k, 6x1000@3:25.7 av fr. 6:30
3. 10min weights
4. 5k5. 10min weights
7. 10k, 10x400@82.4, fr. 2min8. 7k
9. 16k, 8x800@2:43.5, 400 jog, frame 5:30
10. 40min gym
11. 9k incl 2x2000 (cc at izumi-no-mori), 7:13/7:0212. 5k, 10min weights
13. 19k, 10k: 37:49 split: 18:45
14. 7k
15. 10min wgt.
16. 13k, ladder 6#8#10#12#10#8#6 1.59/2.42/3.22/4.13/3.24/2.43/1.5717. 1h gym
18. 10k, 10x400@80.2, frame: 2min20. 23k, hilly21. 11k, 5x800@2:46.8, frame: 4min22. 10k
23. 13k, 5x1200@4:21.6, sore throat
25. 30min gym
27. 4k
28. 4k
29. 5k

Saturday, May 05, 2007

My house!

My house changed a lot recently, here are a few pictures - unfortunately the light is not so good in my room...

Kyoto Radio Show

Just started my own little Radio Show on a local station in Kyoto, mainly talking about Germany and the environment. The family on the picture were my guests yesterday, and they learned a lot of German!!

April Running

1. 9k, incl 10x300@59.5
2. 10min weights
3. 8k incl 6x760@2:36
4. 6k
5. 10min weights
6. 5k
7. 8k incl 5.4k19.40
8. 8k incl 3x750 uphill: 2:39, 2:49, 2:41
9. 10min weights
10. 4k
11. 9k incl mile@5:36, 2x800@2:45, 2:47
12. 30min gym
13. 10min weights
14. 4k
15. 14k incl honmonji 10k 39:11
16. 10min weights
17. 5k
18. 11k incl 8/12x3, 2:46/4:19/2:48/4:28/2:49/4:26
19. 5k
20. 10k incl 10x400, frame 2min, av. 86.7
21. 30min gym
22. 21k
23. 11k incl 5x800@2:50.8, frame: 4min
24. 10min weights
25. 12k, 5000@18:33
26. 40min gym
27. 8k, 6x400 av:89.5 fr 2min
28. 5k
29. 21k, 10k@38.03
30. 10k

Monday, April 16, 2007

March Running

1. 30min gym
3. 7k incl 4x3.15min uphill
4. 5k (hilly)
5. 5k (hilly)
7. 11k, incl 6x1000, frame 7min, av. 3.51 (cold, windy)
8. 6k
9. 6k
10. 12k incl 10x400@86.312. 5k
14. 11k incl mile@5.53, 5x800@av.2.52
15. 5k, 30min gym
16. 60xpush-up, 40xsit-up
17. 11k incl 6x800@av.2.52
19. 13k incl 5x750up, 2.58.6, 60xpush-up, 40xsit-up
20. 13k incl 6x760@av.2.37
21. 70xpush-up, 50xsit-up, back, stretch
22. 13k incl 3x2000@7:49.7
23. 70xpush-up, 50xsit-up, back, stretch
24. 6k
25. 7k incl 3000@11:25, 30min gym
26. 22k@5:15
27. 70xpush-up, 50xsit-up, back, stretch
28. 9k incl 5000@18:49
29. 5k, 30min gym

Ikegami Honmonji 10k

Small group - Big success!

Just four Namban took part in the annual Ikegami Honmonji 10k. But we managed to take 1st (Gerard Robb/35:30) and 4th (Stephen Baumgartner/36:10) in the 30-year age-group. Yours truly was happy, but out of the money in the 40's, running 39:11, and Guillaume Bouvet finshed his second 10k race in 42:04. Very good performances on a hilly course!

Monday, April 02, 2007

February Running 2007

1. 30min gym
3. 7k incl 4x3.15min uphill
4. 5k (hilly)
5. 5k (hilly)
7. 11k, incl 6x1000, frame 7min, av. 3.51 (cold, windy)
8. 6k
9. 6k
10. 12k incl 10x400@86.312. 5k
14. 11k incl mile@5.53, 5x800@av.2.52
15. 5k, 30min gym
16. 60xpush-up, 40xsit-up
17. 11k incl 6x800@av.2.52
19. 13k incl 5x750up, 2.58.6, 60xpush-up, 40xsit-up
20. 13k incl 6x760@av.2.37
21. 70xpush-up, 50xsit-up, back, stretch
22. 13k incl 3x2000@7:49.7
23. 70xpush-up, 50xsit-up, back, stretch
24. 6k
25. 7k incl 3000@11:25, 30min gym
26. 22k@5:15
27. 70xpush-up, 50xsit-up, back, stretch
28. 9k incl 5000@18:49
29. 5k, 30min gym
30. 12k incl 5x750m uphill@ 2:53.4, last 2:45

More from Korea

Here are a few more pictures from Korea, all taken around the faculty of engineering at Seoul National University. Gwanak mountain is right behind our building, and often hikers pass in front of my lab! Even a little river flows below, just a few meters from our entrance. A great environment to study, and to run!

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Pictures from Korea

Around my house at Seoul National University

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

February Running and China

3. 3k
4. 24k, kanagawa half, 1:24:20
5. 5k
6. 50min gym
7. 12k incl 6x1000@3.35.7
9. 11k incl 10x400@83.6, frame 2min
11. 5k
14. 5k
16. 5k
22. 4k
23. 5k
24. 30min gym
25. 7k
26. 10k
27. 40min gym
28. 11k incl 10x400@88.8/frame 2:10

After an exhausting trip to China, I'm back in Tokyo. My
friend's house in Shangqiu was quite an experience, no
water-closet (water only from 6am to 6pm anyways), no
shower, hardly any heating, holes in the doors, so cold...
And no refrigerator, so food, even meat, was just left
outside. I couldn't believe it...
I will be off to Korea tomorrow, but that's much more
comfortable. Actually, Shanghai is fine, it's just the
Chinese countryside which is, for us, still quite
And I cought a cold on the Friday during my trip. I was in Dengfeng (near Shaolin Temple in Henan Province) at that time. It was a really nasty one, and even the hotel I stayed there had no heating (Henan in colder than Tokyo). So, being in really bad shape, I had to go from Dengfeng to Zhengzhou Airport, fly to Shanghai, finally checked into a reasonable hotel (with a hot shower), and fly to Tokyo on Monday...
Well, today I'm better, at least the cold-medicine the
drugstore in Dengfeng sold for 80Yen seems to work.
Looking back, the cold lasted only four days, but it felt much longer...
I wonder when I will be back in really good running shape again!

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

January Running

1. 7k
2. 7k
4. 30min gym, 135#90
5. 9k incl 5x300@63
7. 5k
8. 22k
10. 13k incl 6x1000@3.38 frame 6min
11. 45min gym
12. 9k incl 7x400@82.5
15. 5k
17. 10k incl 3x8/4 2.58 78 2.59 79 2.48 79
18. 40min gym
19. 8k incl 4x400@82.5
20. 6k incl 4x200@39.5
21. 9k incl shibueki, 2.8k@9.55
22. 21k incl 3x3000@11.30, frame 18min
24. 30min gym
25. 17k incl 4x2000@7.25, frame 12min
26. 5k
27. 30min gym
28. 15k
29. 5k
30. 30min gym

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Running in December

1. 8k, 2x400@75
2. 7k, 2x200@39.5
3. 12k, okueki 3rd leg
4. 9k
5. 8k
6. 0k
7. 10k incl. 10x400@88.5 fr. 120
8. 0k
9. 0k
10. 4k
11. 11+7k, incl. 5x800@2.53.6 fr. 4min
12. 8k+60min. gym
13. 8k incl. 2x1600@5.55/5.58 - 3000@11.13
14. 8k
15. 9k incl. 3x900@3.09 fr. 3.31
16. 5k
17. 30k/26:04, 25:46, 25:31, 24:54, 24:35, 24:32/100k bike-week
18. 5k
19. 60min. gym, 147/79
20. 14k incl. 12: 4.24, 4.24 / 10: 3.36, 3.37 / 8: 2.49, 2.49 / 4: 77
22. 5k
24. 6k/5x200@40sec.
50k bike-week
26. 8k, box@16.41
28. 10k hills
30. 5k